We get asked so many questions about this kit that it seems worth while to take some space and describe what is offered.
Regular sponge rubber falsies are inadequate to a TV's need for several reasons. They are hollow, intended as they are to be filled by an existing though small breast. They have no weight and therefore do not move with the bounce of the body while walking. They do not have the gentle but real resistance of a natural breast when pressed or pushed. The bra we offer overcomes all of these drawbacks.
The bra itself is not important, but the plastic in- serts that come with it are. These are made of tough,, welded polyvinyl material with a flat valve at the top. They are intended to be blown up with air, but used in this way they have all of the drawbacks of the foam type. BUT--we have developed two chemicals, one a white pow- der and the other a clear liquid which when properly mixed form a soft, mobile jelly. When this jelly is formed inside the insert, colored with some liquid foun- dation to the color of skin, placed inside a bra of your own choosing--not necessarily the one that comes with them--you will have a soft, moveable breast that will feel as natural as you could want.
If you choose to replace the regular bra straps with 5/8" elastic either partially or completely you will feel the thrill of movement of these breasts beneath your dress as you walk about. This adds much to the reality of your femmeself. Moreover, if you are so inclined and have a little flesh on your chest you can tape it together and achieve a more than satisfying cleavage between these soft, realistic mounds. This we guarantee you will en- joy. Complete instructions for mixing, coloring, making cleavage etc., included with each kit. Bra and inserts only $5, Jelly kit only $5. Order directly from CHEVALIER PUBLICATIONS, BOX 36091, LOS ANGELES 36. CALIFORNIA.